On Sun, 2003-02-23 at 09:41, Alan L Tyree wrote:
> Hi,
> My neighbour is a 94 yo (that is not a mistake!) woman who has never
> used computers before but wants to have email and web browsing for some
> courses that she is taking.
> I have an old HP 333mhz machine that I am going to set up for her.
> Trouble is, a full RH installation is pretty sluggish on it. I thought I
> would skip Gnome and go for Icewm or Windowmaker, use Galeon as the web
> browser. What would be a decent simple graphical mail client? Evolution
> seems sluggish on the machine as well as being serious overkill.

IceWM is fairly light and fast, and I'd look at using either Balsa or
(preferably) Kmail as the mail client.


Tony Blair phones George Bush and asks "What
proof do you have that Iraq has weapons of
Mass destruction", and Bush replies "We kept
the receipts !!"

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