I'm trying my best to compare apples with apples. I can allow for a few
megs difference....but at the moment I'm out by gigs.

Squid is only handling tcp requests. Its aparrently downloaded approx.
750megs for internal workstations, but if I query the database for all
packets (tcp, udp, icmp, etc) and add their length up, the total only
comes to not even 500 megs.

So if the isp claims we have downloaded 2.2gigs, squid sais we have
received 750megs of web traffic, that leaves 1.4gigs unaccounted for.

So I'm wandering if anyone knows of any problems with Iptables/Netfilter
not properly recording packet length, or the ULOG target not properly
logging every packet?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, 19 November 2003 9:09 PM
To: Chris Barnes
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Calamaris/Webalizer download count versus Netfilter
byte countversus ISP byte count

> Chris Barnes wrote:


> So can anyone explain why I'm getting such varying figures? Are there
> problems with Netfilters byte counters, or anything like that.
> Does anyone have any ideas?

Are you comparing apples with apples?

UDP packets?

Who gets billed for DNS, NTP, etc packets?

   Terry Collins {:-)}}} email: terryc at woa.com.au  www:
   Wombat Outdoor Adventures <Bicycles, Computers, GIS, Printing,

 "People without trees are like fish without clean water"

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
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