On Sun, Jun 04, 2006 at 10:57:08AM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > I downloaded 6.06 server and installed.
> >
> > Downloading the desktop CD would have been much more efficient.  Would have
> > gotten you past the first few steps.
> Jim Mcquellen of http://www.ltsp.org (Mr LTSP) suggested that that was the 
> optimal route. Me, who knows nothing of ubuntu, will ignore his expert 
> advice ??

I'm not seeing "Mr Ubuntu" there -- would you trust my advice on how to
perform brain surgery based on my qualifications as a software developer?

> > > apt-get qt3*, discard, app-get the relevant qt3 stuff, by cut and paste
> >
> > Run synaptic, point-n-click your way through it all.
> There is this wonderful tool called apt-get. Ignore it. Comeon ...

Yes, it's a great tool, but it's not for everyone and everything.

- Matt

<liw> hut.fi has or used to have two nfs servers not-responding and
still-trying... don't know if their dns server was not-found... 4o4 would be
then a good name for the web server... endless hours of fun
<aj> "did you get a response from 4o4?" "nah, it just 404ed"
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