On Tue, Feb 12, 2008 at 09:40:16AM +0900, jam wrote:
> On Tuesday 12 February 2008 08:07:39 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > On Monday 11 February 2008 05:34:05 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > > I want to set up an email address where for my domain, were users can
> > > > send spam emails to and they will be added to the spam DB.

> ummmm it very simple, not convoluted at all:
> Mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] gets vetted
> It is delivered, sent to maybe or sent to amspam
> every user can accept their mail, or (mailer dependant eg kmail == button) 
> bounce the mail to user amspam. They can even troll, usually via webmail, 

Not sure if we are talking about the same thing (might be but I am not getting 

I run exim on my server to handle my mail domain

I use the linkage between exim and spamassassin to identify spam at USER & DATA 
steps of the smtp connection. This spamassassin runs as spamassassin 

Then when an email say [EMAIL PROTECTED] comes in for me. exim delivers it via 
procmail which run spamassassin again but with my DB instead of the system wide 
one. I have folder setup
.Ham - a cron job checks in her for email that should be not marked as 

.MarkedSpam - this is where the automatically marked spam mail ends up

.Spam - this is where I place the spam that did not got automatically marked as 
spam, again a cron job looks at this.

I would like to be able to take mail from  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (presume it did 
not get 
auto marked as spam) and not only add its information to my spamassassin db but 
to add it to the system wide DB.  I thought about have an email address that I 
could bounce (mutt bounce) messages to.  But the email will look like it came 
from me (i think) and thus taint the system wide DB

I believe what you have described is what I am doing currently, but not what I 
am trying to extend to - updating the system wide DB

> maybe. Any real mail found in maybe is bounced to amnot.
> In my specific case mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] was tagged as spam so 303 was 
> whitelisted.
> If you are not running your mail server, surely your upstream provider does 
> the dirty work?

> hmmm seems to work :-)
> James
> -- 
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