This one time, at band camp, David Guest wrote:

> The format for this data is undocumented but should not be too difficult
> to decipher. It changes from time to time so you are playing samba to
> HCN's Microsoft.

Making assumptions about data, especially something as important to a 
business as billing data, is fraught with danger.

For all their foibles, the UK's National Programme for IT (the 
_enormous_ and mostly disastrous IT programme of the NHS) started 
specifically by defining data formats and open interchange, the idea 
being that they can chop and change suppliers if necessary.  That really 
should be the starting point here too.

Rev Simon Rumble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Tourist Engineer
Just because you're on holiday, doesn't mean you're not a geek.

"a skid mark on the bed sheet of Australian politics"
- John Howard, as described by Dean Mighell
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