Ken Foskey wrote:
On Wed, 2009-01-21 at 11:15 +1100, david wrote:
I have a directory tree, plus an approximate copy of the same tree.
du reports 35mb for one and 36 for the other. They  are quite complex trees.

My task is to figure out where and why they are different. Is there a simple way to do this? A kind of diff for directories/files/filesizes.

rsync using a dry run?


Nice idea! but unfortunately all the time stamps seem to have changed somewhere in the copying process. Great idea for some situations though.

The problem with kdiff3 and komparator is that they both demand vast amounts of k-dependencies that I would rather not install (this is a server). Not sure why they need esound-common and many other apparently irrelevant packages, but i'm sure there must be a reason.

This worked:
da...@ns:/dir1$ tree -as . > /home/david/test1
da...@ns:/dir2$ tree -as . > /home/david/test2
da...@ns:/home/david$ diff test1 test2 | less

So did this:
da...@ns:/dir1$ ls -as --block-size=1 . > /home/david/test1
da...@ns:/dir2$ ls -as --block-size=1 . > /home/david/test2
da...@ns:/home/david$ diff test1 test2 | less

Then I realised that some files *might* have changed but not changed file size! D'uh.

Probably have to risk it.
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