Robert Collins wrote:
On Sat, 2009-10-31 at 23:25 +1100, Amos Shapira wrote:
2009/10/31 Robert Collins <>
A small note: if you have Hardy, the ISO won't help, you should upgrade
via update-manager -c -d (or wait 6 more months for Lucid which will be
a LTS release).
Speaking of Ubuntu LTS - does anyone see real value in sticking to it?

So LTS is all about stable [e.g. nothing changed that doesn't have to be
changed]. It has the following:
 - regular point releases with kernel updates (giving new hardware
 - security fixes
 - backports are available if you want newer packages on a per package

Many many things improve in every release, but there is always the
chance that something will regress - and sound and video support are
particular risk points.

I generally encourage users that have the resources to run
latest-release always, users with particularly large deployments (those
where a refresh takes years to deploy) to run LTS, and users that want
to contribute to run ubuntu+1 as soon as an alpha is available.

I'm running LTS on my two servers - so graphics, sound etc are non issues. So far, so good and it's really nice to not have to worry about things breaking but still get security upgrades. I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts about how good the transition to the next LTS will be when I'm going to want to upgrade critical servers.
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