Peter Chubb wrote:

>I bought an Acer Aspire One a year ago, and am still happy.  In fact
>I'm typing this on it now!  Main problems are:
>    -- slow SSD
>    -- when the laptop is clsoed you can't see the power LED, so 
>can't tell if it's suspended, on, or off.
 >   -- cover is a fingerprint magnet.

Nice hardware. I've had to work on a few of these for some people who 
bought into the Linpus black hole of hell where some updates or video 
streaming doesn't work on older models.  Deleting Linpus and 
installing Ubuntu Netbook Remix fixed that one.

Dell Minis are nice.  So are the Samsung netbooks.  Resist the 
temptation to spend large piles of money.  Plenty of nice netbook 
hardware out there.  I still have my EeePC 701 which has done some 
airports and some more.   I now have an EeePC 1005HA which I used to 
write a Fosdem report for issue 85 of -  Using 
that I edited 200 photographs from my Nikon camera in one hour.  

Happy ?  Yeh... you bet... only happier when watching England v 
Australia playing test match cricket or eating roo sarnies.  

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