> WordPress 3.0 is going to rock (and indeed, already is, if you're
> comfy running pre-release).

Right, following your helpful words I have upgraded to 3.0 beta 1.  
Seems to work fine.  Wordpress database upgrade went fine.   However, 
looking in to my.cnf and php.ini I can't see anything wrong.  Doing 
'sudo find / -name php.ini'  finds .... /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
and /etc/php5/cli/php.ini.  Isn't that wrong ?  Can't think there 
should be two php.ini files in there.  Looking at ....

I can see that the page and the background are there.  But, no written 
content of pictures.  <shrug>  Don't know what to do about that.

> Seems fine here. I've been running it for a couple of months on
> production servers [1] for WordPress, PHP, MySQL, etc., and
> they're running swimmingly. Quite a few problems were shaken out
> of the PHP 5.3 stack before release, such as the requirement to
> update APC in the repo, etc.

After doing the Wordpress upgrade I'd go back to Ubuntu 10.04 and have 
a look around in there.

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