(Hi I'll reply to this thread as there seems to be a couple of threads going on the same subject)

I've had a very similar setup to you in the past. I never had this much trouble. I had only centos 5.x servers.

You've got split DNS. Internally, DNS resolves to your internal DNS server from your clients and you can see what you have allowed from internal as it's all internal.

Externally, the world goes to dnsmadeeasy.com as your domains are delegated to this (i'm presuming). So if for example you are hosting a webserver, then dnsmadeeasy would point that domain to your MODEM external ip address. On your modem you would have a "virtual server" setup with port 80 forwarded to your internal webserver ip address.

So from internal you get to the clients webserver from your internal DNS. From external you get to your clients webserver from being redirected through dnsmadeeasy to your external IP of your modem and then from your modem forwarded to your webserver. You could even have your internal clients all point to the modem for DNS. The modem would ask dnsmadeeasy where that domain was, it would point to your modem and then the modem would port forward them all back into your internal webserver.

I never had any issues with dns key files or dnssec or whatever as I never needed to use it/them. I would recommend removing all these until the basics are working solidly.
Have you tried using "webmin" to setup dns on your internal dns server?

Ben Donohue

On 17/02/2011 3:16 PM, Kyle wrote:

exactly!! THAT IS MY ISSUE I believe. But I have not yet found a log to give me sufficient info to nut out WHY.

All my config files are presently up for the world to see at; https://www.centos.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=30159

And from what I've read (LOTS in the last couple of days), they're picture perfect.

Kind Regards


On 17/02/11 3:02 PM, pe...@chubb.wattle.id.au wrote:
I strongly suspect that the key setup is incorrect.....

.....it will fail because of an authorisation problem.

Peter C
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