Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has revealed that he prefers Google Android phones - at least for certain functions such as voice command.

'My primary phone is the iPhone,' said Wozniak. 'I love the beauty of it. But I wish it did all the things my Android does, I really do.'

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I think this says it all, right?:-)

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Edwin Humphries
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"/At every moment he beholdeth a wondrous world, a new creation, and goeth from astonishment to astonishment, and is lost in awe at the works of the Lord of Oneness./" Baha'u'llah, The Seven Valleys "./.. humans are interesting. With all the wonders there are in the Universe, they invented boredom./" Terry Pratchet, Hogfather "/The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed./" Albert Einstein /"Stuff your eyes with wonder ... live as if you'd drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It's more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories./" Ray Bradbury

On 2/02/2012 11:08 PM, Phil Manuel wrote:
I used to use pocketcast but sharing a link was forced via pocketcast

I currently use Google Reader, for the subscription to pocketcasts, and playback via Google Listen.

It's shame it has to be two apps.

On 2/02/12 10:08 PM, simran wrote:
some adhoc feedback... i have found that podcasts dont work as well on
android (especially "enhanced podcasts" - which i think are an apple
propritary thing anyway, surprise surprise!!! :)

i personally prefer android anyday, get the phone, root it (or not), and
you have way way way more control than you can hope to on an ios.

On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 8:42 PM, Rod Butcher<>wrote:

I need to have a smartphone as part of my job needs me to be be able to
use and be familiar with all the new social media& communications tools.
Initial research indicates that Android-based phones have the highest
market share and are best value for money. And of course I like Linux. Are there any things they can't do or can't connect to/interface with, which
other proprietary systems can ? Any serious comparison documents I can
study ?
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