
I'm struggling getting some production programs to run on a "new" Linux

These programs have been working for so many years and it seems that I've
forgotten how to set them up. Maybe it's different on this server-distro.
Not sure. It's Zentyal - ubuntu based.

village@server-ivm:~$ uname -a
Linux server-ivm 3.8.0-39-generic #58~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Fri May 2
21:33:17 UTC 2014 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

There are some python programs that auto-run and always run:

 village@server-ivm:~$ ls -la servertasks
total 100
drwxrwxr-x  2 village village  4096 May 23 12:00 .
drwxr-xr-x 28 village village  4096 May 23 12:05 ..
-rwxrw-r--  1 village village  6207 May 23 12:00 directory_scantxttopdf.py
-rwxrw-r--  1 village village   569 May 23 11:28 runforever_pdfconvertor.py
-rwxrw-r--  1 village village  2826 May 23 11:26 scannerfilecleaner.py
-rwxrw-r--  1 village village 39822 May 23 11:28 spooler.py

The programs that need to be accessed are in /home/samba/shares/ivm_dbase:

village@server-ivm:~$ ls /home/samba/shares/ivm_dbase
ls: cannot access /home/samba/shares/ivm_dbase: Permission denied

Yes, I can "sudo ls" and that will work. But I don't want to. That just
makes all the files "root" and no other users can read/write them.

I really want the programs to access the data in the samba shares.

village@server-ivm:~$ sudo ls -la /home/samba/shares
total 16
drwxrwx---+  3 root  __USERS__ 4096 Apr 23 13:53 .
drwxrwx---+  4 root  __USERS__ 4096 Apr 23 13:47 ..
drwxrws---+ 21 dlyon __USERS__ 4096 May 23 15:20 ivm_dbase

What's a good way to set this up?


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