Yes, we have this set up here.  Here is an example:

# Serial Requeue
PartitionName=serial_requeue Priority=1 \
        PreemptMode=REQUEUE MaxTime=7-0 Default=YES MaxNodes=1 \
        AllowGroups=cluster_users \

# Priority
PartitionName=priority Priority=10 \
        AllowGroups=important_people \


Since serial_requeue is the lowest priority it gets scheduled last and if any jobs come in from the higher priority queue it requeues the lower priority jobs.

-Paul Edmon-

On 10/20/2014 02:03 PM, wrote:

This should help:

Quoting Mikael Johansson <>:

Hello All,

I've been scratching my head for a while now trying to figure this one out, which I would think would be a rather common setup.

I would need to set up a partition (or whatever, maybe a partition is actually not the way to go) with the following properties:

1. If there are any unused cores on the cluster, jobs submitted to this
   one would use them, and immediately have access to them.

2. The jobs should only use these resources until _any_ other job in
   another partition needs them. In this case, the jobs should be
   preempted and requeued.

So this should be some sort of "shadow" queue/partition, that shouldn't affect the scheduling of other jobs on the cluster, but just use up any free resources that momentarily happen to be available. So SLURM should just continue scheduling everything else normally, and treat the cores used by this shadow queue as free resources, and then just immediately cancel and requeue any jobs there, when a "real" job starts.

If anyone has something like this set up, example configs would be very welcome, as of course all other suggestions and ideas.

    Mikael J.

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