Le 25/03/2016 11:02, Diego Zuccato a écrit :

Il 25/03/2016 09:59, Diego Zuccato ha scritto:

I'm using SLURM 14.03.9 (the one packaged in Debian 8) and slurmtop 5.00
(from schedtop 'sources'). I'll try 5.02 as soon as some new jobs gets
Seems I found the problem. Searching schedtop, I found the announcement,
where Dennis says:
schedtop/slurmtop requires Slurm 15.08 (or a recent beta)

So I'm out of luck till Debian decides to upgrade to 15.08 :(
Too many other machines to manage to even *think* compiling SLURM from

FYI, 15.08.8 is available in debian testing:

If you mean not available in jessie (stable), that's true so far but you should be able to rebuild stretch's packages on jessie w/o trouble.

We are also currently thinking about backporting 15.08 into jessie as well but don't hold your breath :)


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