Title: Re: [slurm-dev] Re: Change in srun ?

Take a look at https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/rebuilding-ubuntu-debian-linux-binary-package/

Make sure slurm is already installed before rebuilding the package, and pass the correct configure flags (--with-pmi=<path ro slurm's include dir> --with-slurm)


On 07/19/2017 12:17 PM, Diego Zuccato wrote:
Il 19/07/2017 09:37, Gilles Gouaillardet ha scritto:

this is probably due to a change in the PMI interface.

i suggest you rebuilt your MPI library first, and then try again
That's problematic... I can only install from deb files, hoping package
maintainers know what they're doing (since I have nearly no idea: I'm
just starting to understand the difference between OMP and MPI...).
That's the reason I stick with Debian stable, even if it ships older

Tks, I'll have to find the resources to try that way... If it doesn't
get fixed in the meantime.

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