Got a general question, but one that might be specifically addressed by Slurm - 
don't know.

We have a multi-process, distributed simulation that runs as a single job and 
generates a significant amount of data. At the end of that run, we would like 
to be able to post-process the data. The post-processing currently consists of 
python scripts wrapped up in luigi workflows/tasks. We would like to be able to 
distribute those tasks across the cluster as well to speed up the 

So, my question is: what is the best way to trigger submitting a job to Slurm 
based upon the completion of a previous job? I see that the strigger command 
can probably do what I need, but maybe it is more of a workflow question that I 
have. If we have say 100 of these simulation jobs in the queue, then it would 
seem like I would want the post-processing to run at the end of each job, but 
if the trigger submits another job with multiple CPU needs, then that job would 
go in at the back of the queue. I guess I could set the priority such that it 
jumps the remaining simulation jobs, or maybe a separate post-processing queue 
is more appropriate. Anyway, just looking for some ideas as to how others might 
be addressing this type or problem. Any guidance would be much appreciated.



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