Hi Slurm-Dev,

I'm trying to determine how a job's multifactor priority is calculated when the job is submitted to multiple partitions where each partition has a different priority factor. I'm running 16.05.6 with ill-defined plans to move to 17.02.

My cluster is partitioned such that one partition is a subset of another with the subset having a 10x higher PriorityJobFactor. The intent is to give greater priority on the subset to the group that purchased it while allowing all users to run on all nodes. Thus I hope to permit the privileged group to submit jobs to both partitions simultaneously, but to have their greater priority apply only to the subset. However, based on squeue and sprio, this may not be happening.

squeue -P reports identical priorities for both entries (i.e., the same job but considered for p1 and p2). sprio seems to report the priority as calculated for the first partition in the list (i.e., if submitted via sbatch -p1,p2 the job has gets the p1 priority factor, while sbatch -p2,p1 gives the p2 priority factor).

So what's actually going on under the hood? Does the scheduler calculate priorities for each (job,partition) pair separately, or only once?

Thank you for your help!

Corey Keasling
Software Manager
JILA Computing Group
University of Colorado-Boulder
440 UCB Room S244
Boulder, CO 80309-0440

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