Hi Elisabetta,

Elisabetta Falivene <e.faliv...@ilabroma.com> writes:

> Upgrading Slurm 
> Thank you all for useful advices!
> So The 'jump' could not be a problem if there are no running jobs
> (which is my case as you guessed). Surely I'll report how it went
> doing it. I would like to do some test on a virtual machine, but
> really can't imagine how to replicate the exact situation of a 7Tb
> cluster locally...
> Just some other questions. How would you do the upgrade in the safer
> way? Letting aptitude do his job? Would you to debian 9? And the nodes
> must be upgraded in the same way one by one?

If no jobs are running, I would just let aptitude get on with it.

It there are no other reasons not to, I would upgrade to Debian 9.  In
this case, your version of Slurm will be 16.05 and thus not too old.

> Let's think about the worst case: upgrading nuke slurm. I don't really
> know well this machine's configuration. You would backup something
> else beside The database before upgrading?

The only other thing I backup is the statesave directory, but this only
interesting if you are upgrading while jobs are running.  In your case,
only the database is worth backing up, and even then, that's only really
interesting if you need the old data for statistical purposes, or you
need to maintain, say, fairshare information across the upgrade.

In bocca al lupo!


Dr. Loris Bennett (Mr.)
ZEDAT, Freie Universität Berlin         Email loris.benn...@fu-berlin.de

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