You Can use AD, but it is bothersome in Many ways. Use à Web portail for
manage your users.

Le 18 oct. 2017 07:25, "Nadav Toledo" <> a
écrit :

> Hey everyone,
> I am working at a university and we trying to setup a slurm cluster for
> courses and research.
> for the courses we would like to enforce qos on users that can connect via
> pbis-open auth. meaning they are authenticating against AD server.
> There are alot of users and each semester they are changing.
> My question is, how can i achieve :
> A. enforce qosן¿½ (AccountingStorageEnforce=limits,qos)
> B. Don't enforce associations , meaning anyone who can login to the server
> can submit jobs
> C. having slurmdbd record each user activity
> D. The users are not in /etc/passwd, loging being made by pbis-open
> about B:ן¿½ The reason is I dont want to manually adding each user to the
> slurm database (sacctmgr create user...)
> *Regarding A+B: *I have seen this answer :
> forum/#!msg/slurm-devel/9Iu4c_qTb8w/ec0O36eW7dsJ;context-
> place=searchin/slurm-devel/Association$20ldap|sort:relevance
> But for me atleast it doesn't seem to work, I comment out the following
> code(inside src/slurmctld/job_mgr.c), then make clean, make, make install,
> still got the error: srun: error: Unable to allocate resources: Invalid
> account or account/partition combination specified
> the error on slurmctld :
> slurmctld: error: User 243309139 not found
> slurmctld: _job_create: invalid account or partition for user 243309139,
> account '(null)', and partition 'all'
> slurmctld: _slurm_rpc_allocate_resources: Invalid account or
> account/partition combination specified
> (243309139ן¿½ is the uid of a user auth against AD server, and doesn't
> show up in passwd nor in slurm database)
> /*ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ if ((accounting_enforce & ACCOUNTING_ENFORCE_QOS)
> ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ && assoc_ptr
> ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ && !admin
> ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ && (!assoc_ptr->usage->valid_qos
> ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ ||
> !bit_test(assoc_ptr->usage->valid_qos, qos_rec->id))) {
> ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ error("This association
> %d(account='%s', "
> ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½
> "user='%s', partition='%s') does not have "
> ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ "access
> to qos %s",
> ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½
> assoc_ptr->id, assoc_ptr->acct, assoc_ptr->user,
> ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½
> assoc_ptr->partition, qos_rec->name);
> ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ *error_code =
> ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ return NULL;
> ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ }
> */
> perhaps I should do something with these lines (same file)?
> ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ if (assoc_mgr_fill_in_assoc(acct_db_conn, &assoc_rec,
> ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½
> ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ accounting_enforce,
> &assoc_ptr, false)) {
> ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ info("_job_create: invalid
> account or partition for user %u, "
> ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ "account
> '%s', and partition '%s'",
> ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½
> job_desc->user_id, assoc_rec.acct, assoc_rec.partition);
> ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ error_code =
> ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ן¿½ goto cleanup_fail;
> Thank you all for helping, Nadav

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