On Thursday, 19 October 2017 7:41:37 PM AEDT Nadav Toledo wrote:

> running : id -u domain_name\\username , does return its uid

So your system is not finding users as just "username", but instead only as 
domain_name\\username which is probably not ideal.

You probably want to see if you can find a way to have a default domain that 
maps to your AD domain name (assuming you only have one).

A RHEL7 system I help with was originally using AD for users via sssd, in that 
configuration the usernames were of the form user@domain and we were stuck with 
that as there were staff in one domain and students in another. 

Good luck!
 Christopher Samuel        Senior Systems Administrator
 Melbourne Bioinformatics - The University of Melbourne
 Email: sam...@unimelb.edu.au Phone: +61 (0)3 903 55545

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