Hi Paulo,

Which Slurm version do you have, and did you set this in slurm.conf: JobSubmitPlugins=lua ?

Perhaps you may find some useful information in this Wiki page:


On 26-10-2023 19:07, Paulo Jose Braga Estrela wrote:
Is it possible to change something in user’s sbatch script by using a job_submit plugin? To be more specific, using Lua job_submit plugin.

I’m trying to do the following in job_submit.lua when a user changes job’s partition to “cloud” partition, but the script got executed without modification.

function slurm_job_modify(job_desc, job_rec, part_list, modify_uid)

         if job_desc.partition == "cloud" then

                slurm.log_info("slurm_job_modify: Bursting job %u from uid %u to the cloud...",job_rec.job_id,modify_uid)

                 script = job_rec.script

                 slurm.log_info("Script BEFORE change: %s",script)

                 -- changing user command to another command

                script = string.gsub(script,"local command","cloud command")

                 slurm.log_info("Script AFTER change %s",script)

                 -- The script variable is really changed

                 job_rec.script = script

                 slurm.log_info("Job RECORD SCRIPT %s",job_rec.script)

                -- The job record also got changed, but the EXECUTED script isn’t changed at all. It runs without modification.


         return slurm.SUCCESS



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