On 05/04/2014 12:23 PM, Robert Mustacchi wrote:
The dhcp option in vmadm today does not, to my limited knowledge, ask
dhcp for resolvers. Though someone should look at snoop output for dhcp
and verify what it is and what it isn't sending.

It's even easier than using snoop. The dhcp client still knows what you received.
see dhcpinfo(1) ( online at http://illumos.org/man/1/dhcpinfo )

Basically you'll want to set up something that at zone boot time does something sort of like: echo -e "domain $(/sbin/dhcpinfo 15)\n$(/sbin/dhcpinfo 6| sed 's/^/nameserver /')" > /etc/resolv.conf

While you can use the resolvers and maintain_resolvers properties that
you mention, that's obviously not the best way. Looking into this is
pretty low on our priority list because we actually never use dhcp at
Joyent. If folks could dig into this and figure out whether or not we're
actually requesting DNS servers or not or if it's being clobbered for
some reason, than we can go from there.

I theory one could imagine a vmadm field that says to use the resolvers from the dhcp server that would alter the zone behavior, but as it's low on Joyent's priorities, you might have to write it yourself
or find someone in the community to write it and get it upstream.


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