I'm looking to make some trivial tweaks to the installer and offer them back, 
but can't seem to figure out what the preferred mechanism is for this.

Being a github novice probably isn't helping.  Past experience with vcses going 
back as far as RCS and Projector and current use of svn and pf usually cause me 
to make bad assumptions about git workflow too.

All the PRs that I can find at https://github.com/joyent/smartos-live are 
ancient enough to suggest that this is not the "standard" way of doing things.

Then I found this:  
https://github.com/joyent/triton/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md  (yes, I know 
Triton is SmartDC not SmartOS) and this:

Pointers, especially to a walk-through that assumes minimum competence with the 
github ecosystem, would be greatly appreciated.


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