I made a huge (apparently) error by backing up (zfs send | zfs recv) my “zones” 
pool to tank/backups/zones. 

Why is this a problem?
Now when I boot up smartos, the `system/filesystem/local` service fails because 
`zfs mount -a` fails, because both zones and tank/backups/zones want to mount 
the zones’ core directories to the same mountpoint.

Boot time output captured from serial console pasted at bottom of this email.
(Also available at http://hastebin.com/urahacowev.sql )

Because this fails, I *THINK* that smartos then does not read from zones/usbkey 
which means I’ve got no discernible root password (and the platform image root 
pw does not work, either). I am able to boot into noinstall/recovery mode. 

I am going to write a script to remove the hardcoded mount points from all 15 
of the datasets in question and see if this improves, but my questions are the 

1. Is there an easier way to do this?
        * altroot seems inapplicable since I cannot set the property except at 
create or import time.
2. How should I be backing up my ‘zones’ pool, because I am obviously doing it 
3. Is it in fact the case that the system is unusable because when 
svc:system/filesystem/local fails that zones/usbkey is not being read from? 

Thanks all


SunOS Release 5.11 Version joyent_20160721T174418Z 64-bit
Copyright (c) 2010-2016, Joyent Inc. All rights reserved.
Loading smf(5) service descriptions: 2/2
cannot mount 'tank/backups/zones/cores/0d632bb0-8f6e-40ac-abae-83fd3a9f8cd0': 
mountpoint or dataset is busy
cannot mount 'tank/backups/zones/cores/155bfb2c-fe9e-6ff0-d075-8b12a3ccb427': 
mountpoint or dataset is busy
cannot mount 'tank/backups/zones/cores/1bd637c8-85f7-c392-ded3-98baa98d5f9a': 
mountpoint or dataset is busy
cannot mount 'tank/backups/zones/cores/1e4817c2-9d59-ed14-f3bb-d90cc6439dc5': 
mountpoint or dataset is busy
cannot mount 'tank/backups/zones/cores/2753d47e-ea27-4998-810d-494f60fa2444': 
mountpoint or dataset is busy
cannot mount 'tank/backups/zones/cores/2ac2a8a3-8149-671c-c0e9-e1bea9d4785f': 
mountpoint or dataset is busy
cannot mount 'tank/backups/zones/cores/4cef45dd-edf0-e08d-b732-e8ee5942a49d': 
mountpoint or dataset is busy
cannot mount 'tank/backups/zones/cores/542ef11b-259d-67a9-c5f6-c38dd16ddea6': 
mountpoint or dataset is busy
cannot mount 'tank/backups/zones/cores/6c8809e5-8d04-4a8f-8aea-d95c5c654459': 
mountpoint or dataset is busy
cannot mount 'tank/backups/zones/cores/803994d5-9786-4a8f-93c1-eaf3fcd4d2ff': 
mountpoint or dataset is busy
cannot mount 'tank/backups/zones/cores/8229222c-b2fc-644a-850c-992f9826dbc7': 
mountpoint or dataset is busy
cannot mount 'tank/backups/zones/cores/89201eba-8788-45c3-d961-cdd5dc8cc746': 
mountpoint or dataset is busy
cannot mount 'tank/backups/zones/cores/9b71c000-5e7d-4fc9-a03f-fdf21bff4646': 
mountpoint or dataset is busy
cannot mount 'tank/backups/zones/archive': mountpoint or dataset is busy
cannot mount 'tank/backups/zones/cores/f8fbf7d2-abcb-6aa3-e0ab-edbaa3a3732a': 
mountpoint or dataset is busy
cannot mount 'tank/backups/zones/cores/fc6c81e6-7ca1-4eee-91b9-276db702ffeb': 
mountpoint or dataset is busy
cannot mount '/zones/fd1ff409-8509-4fa4-a6cf-0e52f44db0a3/cores': directory is 
not empty
cannot mount 'tank/backups/zones/cores/global': mountpoint or dataset is busy
svc:/system/filesystem/local:default: WARNING: /usr/sbin/zfs mount -a failed: 
exit status 1
Sep 18 16:22:42 svc.startd[8]: svc:/system/filesystem/local:default: Method 
"/lib/svc/method/fs-local" failed with exit status 95.
Sep 18 16:22:42 svc.startd[8]: system/filesystem/local:default failed fatally: 
transitioned to maintenance (see 'svcs -xv' for details)
Sep 18 16:22:52 mDNSResponder: CheckNATMappings: Failed to allocate port 5350 
UDP multicast socket for PCP & NAT-PMP announcements

          ____   ____
         _____   _____        .                   .
         __         __        | .-. .  . .-. :--. |-
         _____   _____        ;|   ||  |(.-' |  | |
          ____   ____     `--'  `-' `;-| `-' '  ' `-'
             _____                  /  ; Joyent Live Image v0.147+
                                    `-'   build: 20160721T174418Z

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