On 12/2/16 8:17 , Len Weincier wrote:
> On 2 December 2016 at 18:04, Robert Mustacchi <r...@joyent.com> wrote:
>> On 12/1/16 23:44 , Len Weincier wrote:
>>>> This is the classic symptom of a machine with a cpu_cap less than its
>> CPU
>>>> (core) count.
>>> So the vm sees all the cores and dispatches threads / processes for that
>>> many cores but the actual uasage is limited by the cpu_cap so the threads
>>> are stalling waiting for the OS to give them a slot to run hence the load
>>> avg climbing iiuc. Setting cpu_cap=0 sets the machine free and its
>>> responsive
>>> Whats the right way to share the cores for LX brand machines then seeing
>> as
>>> we cant limit the access to the cores ? In triton is see the default
>>> packages set the cpu_cap as well which would result in the same issue ?
>> At the end of the day you need to make sure you actually tune things
>> inside of your zones to respect sizing based on what you've set in caps
>> and shares.
>> Robert
> Hi Robert
> Thanks for the reply.   These are machine we are provisioning for customers
> and we unfortunately have very little control over what customers are doing
> inside the zones. The ticket was logged by a customer saying that their app
> had ground to a halt after we moved them to the new hardware.
> afaics this will happen with triton as well. We will be testing this in a
> lab to confirm.

It will. There's nothing in Triton that lies about the number of CPUs
available. Barring something like that, which is going to be very, very
hard to tell and not confuse things, the solution is tune things in

Most applications that tune based on visible CPUs aren't designed to
scale to the number you have with a 4 socket machine.


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