> 18. 5. 2017 v 8:01, Matthew Parsons <matt...@aspergerexperts.com>:
> (Usual disclaimers, but I've scoured pkgsrc.joyent.com for info, so possibly 
> could use some fixing)
> Is this the best place to report issues/requests with your packages?
> I was looking for "fio" that is listed at 
> http://cdn.netbsd.org/pub/pkgsrc/current/pkgsrc/benchmarks/fio/, and in the 
> joyent repo at https://github.com/joyent/pkgsrc/tree/trunk/benchmarks/fio, is 
> nowhere to be found on https://pkgsrc.joyent.com/packages/SmartOS/
> Figured I should ask before heading down the compiling-from-source rabbit 
> hole. (Already did that with sysbench ;)

Most likely it builds fine on NetBSD, but doesn’t on SunOS/SmartOS…


Sounds like an easy fix, I’ll have a look…


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