On Monday 2 October 2017 11:57:34 AM IST Joven Sabanal wrote:
> ​Hi,
> I'm trying to connect SmartOS Zone VM on FreeIPA but I cannot get it work.
> I use this link as reference.
> https://www.redhat.com/archives/freeipa-users/2014-April/msg00128.html
> I follow on what's indicated on the link. I only register the Zone VM to
> FreeIPA domain. I can see also that the VM is connection to the domain by
> running "ldaplist".
> Problem now is when I try to login using SSH and use the user that I
> created on FreeIPA, it cannot login.
> Anyone did try the same setup as mine?
> Appreciate any advice and recommendation. Thanks in advanced.

Adding a me too here. I can join lxc containers to AD domain using sssd(realm 
join etc.) in a jiffy but SmartOS lx branded zones are unable to join the AD.

I could threw in the hand-made kerberos authentication configuration and 
create the users by hand, so not much was lost. but sssd definitely didn't 
work and I couldn't spend much time investigating it either.


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