> on December 11th I posted a new problem report to this list as a reply in
> a thread of 2016. Has anybody an idea how I can tackle this problem?
> vmadm create takes minutes to provision an 8 GiB /vserver/ before it times
> out:
>    timed out waiting for
>    /var/svc/provisioning to move for bcd0c83a-1eeb-42cd-a28b-ecb67798018a
Hi Stefan,

The most common cause of this in my experience is the memory being used by
ARC and not being reclaimed fast enough for the provision to succeed.

You should be able to look at the vmstat, kstat and arcstat entries from
the cn-agent task log file (/var/log/cn-agent/logs/) after this happens.
That should give you a better idea of what's going on in the system while
we're trying to lock the memory.

How much overhead are you leaving for ARC and how much have you reserved
for the GZ when you've calculated 32GiB should be available? It looks from
your ::memstat as though your ARC is probably using much more than 32GiB.


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