Good evening, all:

I have a physical server running the SoftEther VPN as a remote access device, 
and I’ve been trying to migrate it onto a zone without much success. I was 
wondering if anyone has had any luck using it. I’ve found a little material 
online suggesting that it’s possible, but I’ve not had any luck. Everything 
seems to work on the client <-> soft ether side, but it seems that outbound 
packets onto the destination network don’t ever make it anywhere (according to 

My first indication of a problem was when the tunnel wasn’t able to get a DHCP 
address from the local DHCP server. My working assumption is that it has 
something to do with one of the spoofing options, but I’ve not found a 
combination that seems to improve the situation.

I’ve also noticed that I’m not able to set the allow_unfiltered_promisc option 
using "vmadm update" , despite being able to set the other spoofing options. Is 
it possible that this is part of the problem?

I’m pretty much stumped at this point. Technically this is an SDC install, but 
it doesn’t seem like that is part of the equation here. I’m running the latest 
SmartOS update. Any thoughts?



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