Hello Everyone,
I have just started using and learning SmartOS and am reading through the
wiki. However, I have found lots of broken links that redirect to a Joyent
page saying:


The page has not been found.

We have been putting a lot of work into the documentation lately to help
improve the experience for our customers. We have tried to implement
redirects to help with some of the issues that crop up, but there is still
work to do.
This can be frustrating especially for the new users. Is there anyway to
report this to the developers/wiki maintainers?

By the way, is there any other learning resources in addition to the wiki
(like books)? If anyone is writing a book about SmartOS/Joyent Triton i
will definitely buy a copy.

Thank you.


Regards / Bien Cordialement,
Chenming Chen

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