> ---- You know what... if these are non-existent users then you have an
> opportunity to create spamtraps and automate your submissions. If you
> are sure that these addresses were never legitimate then you can
> create aliases for them and redirect those aliases to a collection
> point on our system. This will put those messages directly into our
> spam processing queue with the minimum lag.
> I'm not sure if you already have any spamtraps set up with us - I'm
> thinking not - but if you're interested in setting this up let me know
> and I will create a unique collection point for you to use. At the
> very least this will reduce the lag.

Sounds like a good idea.

Once I get the alises set up, what I can do is for former employees of the
client, I can set up a user with a 1kb mail box size, then use the nobody to
catch all those and send to a spam trap or such.

Hopefully, I will be ready by the end of the week.

John Tolmachoff
eServices For You

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