On Wednesday, August 4, 2004, 12:19:57 PM, John wrote:

JTL> Do you want me to just keep sending them to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yes always - as much and as fast as you can - but don't make it a
burden. The only explanation I have so far for your experience is that
you're getting these messages as fast or faster than we are - so they
get through during the lag. Everything we can do to speed up the
process and reduce the lag is a good thing. For example, we are in the
process of adding additional AI to our rule generation system so that
new rules are generated within minutes of when we see them - provided
the AI can safely identify them. (we still review every rule though
;-). Another thing we are doing is concentrating more heavily on
abstracted heuristics that can capture messages we've never seen
before... and that's helping - but no such predictive mechanism can be

JTL> What worries me is even though these are to non-existent users, (yes Sandy,
JTL> I have going to use ldap2aliases, I am working on a problem getting a
JTL> recipient policy to work on one group that needs 2 sets,) I wonder how much
JTL> of this is getting to actual users.

---- You know what... if these are non-existent users then you have an
opportunity to create spamtraps and automate your submissions. If you
are sure that these addresses were never legitimate then you can
create aliases for them and redirect those aliases to a collection
point on our system. This will put those messages directly into our
spam processing queue with the minimum lag.

I'm not sure if you already have any spamtraps set up with us - I'm
thinking not - but if you're interested in setting this up let me know
and I will create a unique collection point for you to use. At the
very least this will reduce the lag.

Hope this helps,

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