I'm using an automatic update script to keep my rulebase up to date. This
script runs periodically through the day and it also runs in response to the
emails that come when the rulebase gets updated by the SortMonster. 

All hail the SortMonster!

Anyway. The heavy lifting in that script is a line like:

c:\winnt\wget.exe http://www.sortmonster.net/Sniffer/Updates/mysnfcode.snf
-N -O mysnfcode.new.gz --header=Accept-Encoding:gzip --http-user=sniffer
--http-passwd=password -o snfupd.txt

I'm doing something wrong. Everytime the script fires it pulls the file,
even if it isn't newer. I thought the -N parameter was supposed to limit
that. What am I missing?


John Shacklett

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