I just noticed that I am no longer getting updated emails for the sniffer to trigger the automatic update.. The last one was on Nov 11...Customers had told me they were getting more spam but I just thought we were getting hammered with more..

Richard Farris
Ethixs Online Office
1.800.548.3877 Tech Support
"Crossroads to a Cleaner Internet"

----- Original Message ----- From: "Pete McNeil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 1:58 PM
Subject: [sniffer] Important interim release & announcement

Hello Sniffer folks,


 We have released a new interim version of Message Sniffer
 (V2-3.1i1). This version includes a new filter chain module called
 "Defunker". This module re-scans the body of each message with all
 HTML, XML, and many other obfuscation mechanisms removes. This
 allows the current rulebase to capture more versions of each spam
 without additional rules.

 While this is an interim release, it has been very stable and is
 considered to be production ready at this time. We highly recommend
 that you adopt this new version.

 You can download this interim version from our Try-It page (at the


 For our MDaemon customers who do not follow the md-beta list, the
 current beta of MDaemon includes a Plug-In interface which allows
 third party developers to build modules that process messages as
 they pass through the system.

 We have implemented and are currently testing a Message Sniffer
 plugin for MDaemon. The plugin is at version 0.51a at the time of
 this writing.

 Since the plugin is loaded by the MDaemon server at start-up, the
 Message Sniffer engine and rulebase remain resident in memory. This
 allows us to run Message Sniffer on MDaemon very efficiently.

 If you are able to participate in the MDaemon beta program then we
 encourage you to try the new plugin and tell us what you think.

 You can download the latest distribution of the plugin on our Try-It
 page (At the bottom).


Pete McNeil (Madscientist)
President, MicroNeil Research Corporation
Chief SortMonster (www.sortmonster.com)

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and (un)subscription instructions go to http://www.sortmonster.com/MessageSniffer/Help/Help.html

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and (un)subscription instructions go to http://www.sortmonster.com/MessageSniffer/Help/Help.html

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