Hello Sniffer Folks,

  During a previous discussion in late September, it was generally
  agreed that it was time to re-order the priority of the experimental
  and generalized rule groups.

  I am going to begin that work today.

  The new ordering will be:

  63: Experimental Received [IP]
  62: Obfuscation
  61: Experimental Abstract
  60: General

  The concept of this priority is to give more specific rules a higher
  priority over less specific rules. So, for example, a spam text
  pattern or URI in the "General" group will have priority over an IP

  By the end of the day these rule groups will have been renumbered.
  While this will have some subtle effects over time as the rulebase
  system "learns" some new structures, the most important short term
  effects will be seen by systems that give individual weights to each
  rule group.

  Please begin making the appropriate changes in your weighting
  schemes if you use them.
  Systems that do not use weighting schemes will not need to take any


Pete McNeil (Madscientist)
President, MicroNeil Research Corporation
Chief SortMonster (www.sortmonster.com)

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