If this person is using Declude, Mdaemon or SpamAssassin, they might want to consider just using the blackholes.us zones that list every known IP delegated to certain countries that are known to have spam problems (in addition to some providers as well). This stuff can be set up as a simple IP4R tests and weighted accordingly in one's config.



Pete McNeil wrote:

On Thursday, January 6, 2005, 3:42:21 PM, Jeff wrote:

JW> Hi,

JW> Whats the procedure for tweaking our rule base?  We would
JW> like to catch anything from foreign domains. If thats not
JW> possible, I  saw you had an option for catching the foreign
JW> character sets.

I can work with you to create aggressive black rules for your
rulebase. I will contact you off-line soon to talk about this.


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