
Thanks for the info, that is a good way to deal with the mass spam storage. Do you ever have the requirement to go back through the SPAM that you have saved? How long do you save it and do you just delete it after a certain date? How do your clients ask you or what do you do to retrieve a possible real message that might have been considered spam? If sniffer never makes a false positive I guess it is no big deal just to delete the spam, but on the rare chance there are false positives I would sure hate to delete an important message.

This mail server supports about 60 domains so having all of the spam in one folder is a bit of a mess. VOPMAIL allows for individual mailbox agents so I guess somehow I could have a bat file for each user or pass parameters to a bat file, but I hate to think about that one. Going through each mailbox on the server to enter the agent commands will be a real pain timewise.

Wondering what other VOPMAIL users do out there if there are any of us left.


At 12:14 PM 6/15/2006, you wrote:
This is how I do it, although there may be better ways.

I create a scheduled task to run a batch file called spam.cmd that runs from within the spam folder. This copies the spam caught that day into a dated folder. That way I can delete old spam, and keep the folder organized. This seems to work well, with imail, but if there are probably better ways out there.

Here is my batch file

REM This portion gets the date
FOR /F "TOKENS=2-4 DELIMS=/ " %%F IN ('DATE /T') DO (

REM This portion creates a folder with todays date MM-DD-YYYY
mkdir %MM%-%DD%-%YYYY%

REM moves the current files into the dated folder.
move *.smd .\%MM%-%DD%-%YYYY%\
move *.GSE .\%MM%-%DD%-%YYYY%\

Hope thats of help.


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