I have to admin I missed reading INSTALL t he first time around...
But I  have SNF4SA working on Freebsd 9.3 and it helped when I realized
I needed to setup snf-server.

Later I thought to try out snf-milter,  so I did read perhaps to quickly

The steps had some similar steps that are in

For some reason I thought, I could run both snf-milter and snf-server at the same
time.   When I "service snf-milter start"   that kills snf-server

One of the many things I assumed was that they could both run at the same time...
Well that did not happen.

So I made sure I "service snf-server stop" and still snf-milter did not start.

At this point I will likely need to do some research to see why,
but I got snf-server restarted because it was working.

So what "gotchas" do you know that I need to be aware of if I already have snf-server
setup and I am going to try snf-milter?

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