Got it! I'll compile from source. Thanks for the detailed description.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Pete McNeil" <>
To: "Message Sniffer Community" <>
Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2015 9:47:57 PM
Subject: [sniffer] Re: ShortMatch Resolved - Update your SNF software to remain 

On 2015-12-03 21:24, Daniel Bayerdorffer wrote:
> Just so I understand correctly, can we use the packages to install over a 
> current installation that was compiled from source?

Probably not -- the deployment might not be exactly the same.

If you originally compiled from source then your easiest solution will
be to use the tarball and compile from source again. Then you can simply
replace the executable you have with the new one you make -- everything
is compatible and nothing will need to move.

If you use the packages you are essentially starting over. The packages
are deployed differently than the source instructions.

For example, to do the generic postfix integration with SNF Server you
would need to install two packages: the snf-server_ package and then the
snf-server-postfix_ integration package. If you wanted to roll your own
integration you might just install the snf-server_ package and then
build your own scripts and other software on top of that. It's a
different paradigm.

Hope this helps,


Pete McNeil
Chief Scientist
ARM Research Labs, LLC
866-770-1044 x7010

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