Perhaps I can make this simple for you. I fly everything I sell and am involved in 
most of the design process in again, most of our
flying products. I do get hundreds of phone calls every week and try to answer each 
and every question. Sometimes I try to cut to
the chase and describe the proper sailplane or electric that best fits the fliers 
needs. Many times this may not be what the
customer originally wanted but from my much greater experience will work better and be 
more fun which is really the whole point in
the first place. We pride ourselves on getting to the flier the best performing 
products. We are not shy when it comes to
redesigning a sailplane to make it fly properly for my customers and to satisfy 
myself. We have at our disposal some of the best
designers and flyers in the world and use them to make sure our sailplanes are the 
best we can make. To me having fun and flying
well is the whole point.

As I have said I get hundreds of phone calls...sometimes I do anticipate the customers 
needs and make suggestions based on what I
fell is the correct choice. I am usually correct in this. I can be curt and to the 
point with sometimes little patience for
redundant questions or a flyer that is going down the wrong path for his ability and 
skills. This is my personality and after 50
years I doubt if I will have much luck changing it. It will state this and have done 
so for the 11 years I have been in business. My
suggestions are backed by my experiences and the people with the skills and abilities 
I trust, so when I make a suggestion it is
with the intention of making sure you are getting a product that you will enjoy and I 
back it with this guarantee. If you think I am
wrong call me up...I will take the product back. For these reasons I do not make my 
suggestions lightly. BTW...I usually have plenty
of stock in just about everything so my suggestions have nothing to do with what I 
have in stock.

BTW...I can take it as well as dish it out so if you have a problem when talking to me 
juts say so and I will be glad to address
your problem or question in the best manner I can. As long as we are on the subject. I 
get 75-100 personal emails a day. If you have
long involved or multiple questions please call. This will establish a dialog and make 
it easier for both of us to get to the
solution. During the day I might be overburdened with sales calls, but I am not shy 
with my home number and will frequently call
back a customer after hours to help him with the longer questions.

I hope this helps explain where I and NSP are at to a certain degree. If you need to 
bash to help yourselves feel better go right
ahead. I have read on this forum pretty much almost every product and every major 
vendor bashed why should I be any different.


> Dear YK (and your kind),
>     What do you mean "Rodger and his kind"? I have been avidly trying to
> learn from this forum, and with reading all I can, and when I have called Sal
> planning an order, simple questions asking what is the difference between one
> product and another were too exasperating for him...and I have been just
> pushed in one direction or another depending I think on what he is
> overstocked with,and it is my money I intend to plunk down, so I have a right
> to ask! Now why should I be afraid of offending the vendor I am giving my
> money to by asking questions, and why should I have to run to RCSE to "give
> you guys a chance"?
>     Give me (and my kind) a break!
> Rodger Hamer

Sal DeFrancesco
Northeast Sailplane Products
140 Kirby Lane
Williston, VT. 05495


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