If you bought a transmitter one year earlier you would have gotten the Futaba 
8ua you would not be flying because you would not be able to program it.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Craig Allen 
  To: soaring@airage.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2007 6:45 PM
  Subject: [RCSE] 2.4 G Futaba v JR, ..... Thanks :-)

  I just want to thank everyone for the very thoughtful and informative post.

  I was expecting a lot of flames :-) hehe

  Just a little background... I left Soaring in 1979 after moving to LA to work 
in the Film Industry. 

  I took my trusty Kraft 4ch transmitter and my Super Esprit, White Trash and 
Todi to Pearce collage in the Valley and watched some guys ( Probably Joe, and 
a few other of U hot shots" Launching their home made Carbon rockets to the 
moon... I asked " Hay were can you buy one of those gliders" They all laughed 
at me and said " You can't, you have to make them" ...... Oh shit :-(

  I went home that day and put my planes in the closet never to fly again.... 
Oh ya... My cars engine froze up on the way home to Hollywood too.. So all in 
all it was a very bad day.

  In 1999 I was back in Sac town searching the web and somehow found DLG's.  
WOW I was hooked... More bang for your buck !!! U bet ya... Now I had to buy a 
new radio.. I went to the local hobby shop and bought a Airtronics Stylus 
Radio.... Could I program by myself ??  Hell No... Then after some time I 
traded that for a brand new JR 10x... Could I program it??? Hell No.... I still 
have it if anyone want to make me an offer? Never used once in 4 years..

  Then I went and looked at a Futaba 9c... Within 5 min I could program it. It 
was so so simple, just like my Apple 2 and my very first Mackintosh. I think 
you will notice a lot of newcomer to the hobby chose Futaba for this reason as 

  So I have been flying Futaba ever since.... Maybe I'm missing something that 
I don't know about.. But time after time I see people out at the local field 
with Radio issues, Programing issues, and it's never been a Futaba. So what 
ever I might be missing, I don't miss :-)))

  As far as Spread Spectrum systems. From purely  an engineering point of view, 
the Futaba system is by far more reliable.. Sure the JR system might work just 
fine. Although we have already heard reports of problems with satellite 
receivers... But true Spread Spectrum is the only way to go and I would not buy 
any 2.4 system that doesn't have it....

  Just my two cents :-)


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