I thopught I should repost this with a proper subject line and also make one correction: I meant to say 2009 for the first F3K world champs rather than 2008.

----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Munich F3K German Open had entries starting 12/1/2007 per the
spreadsheet.  It was only this Monday that a note was sent by Phil
Barnes telling us that there were 85 entries already and if you wanted
to go, you needed to submit an app ASAP.  The US/world frenzie started
and luckily I was able to get in.

Here are some details on the Munich F3K registration story:

There were 7 registrations on December 1st, then no registration activity
until December 28th. I don't think very many people knew that registration
was open in December, if it even was open. I'm not sure when the Munich club
first posted registration information on their web site. Alex Wunschheim
sent some email notices out on December 30th pointing out that registration
was open and giving a link to the Munich club website and I then posted that
message on RCgroups. Registrations still proceeded slowly because online
registration was not yet open. The web site suggested February was when
online registration would open. By January 2, there were still only 16
registrations. Then the explosion happened. The remaining 84 positions plus
a wait list all happened between January 4 & January 7 and this all happened
by people sending emails to Alex Wunschheim, online registration was not and
never has been open. What happened was a critical mass of anxious people
registerred via email and word got around that slots were filling quickly. I
sent three different notices to my personal list of interested F3K people.
No doubt other people in other countries were sending similar anxious

Here is a link to the registration list which has not been updated since
January 7. One can only guess what the total wait list looks like:


Team USA now consists of 11 people that I know of. This includes two junior
pilots and three wait listed pilots.

I think everyone was stunned at the speed that the contest filled up. There
were, no doubt, quite a few who were late sending in registrations because
they were away from the computer for a couple days and/or had no clue what
was about to happen.

The stunning response to this year's German Open F3K, I think, will almost
guarantee that there will be an F3K world championships in 2009. I believe
the issue comes up at this year's CIAM meeting and no one can deny now that
F3K is ready for a world champs.


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