It's been pointed out to me that my post in reply to a message from Bill Wingstedt could be read as actually meaning to call him an idiot. I believe a close reading will reveal that I was agreeing with his brass tube/carbon rod trick and complimented him by asking him to make a couple of them for me. However, I can see how it might not look like that. So I want to make clear that I have no negative opinions about Bill, haven't met him, and agree with his post. Ok, maybe I have the negative opinion that he shouldn't call himself an idiot.

This isn't the only time where I've been called on something like this, so I thought I'd better make sure that there were no hard feelings where such were not meant.

(The other time I remember was on a bicycling list where people had a discussion about whether some kinds of plastic water bottles were toxic. I asserted that only organic goat skins were safe for water, and that vegans were out of luck. Someone I knew actually had a hard time deciding if I was serious. I wasn't.)

ravaging engineer who has lost his horde

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