In a message dated 05/14/2001 8:52:36 PM Central Daylight Time, 

> When, as a kid, I roller skated, ran my "box scooter" or bicycled, I always
>  preferred to make left turns. Later, when flying full scale or R/C and when
>  driving a car, I still preferred to make left turns. Right turns seems
>  awkward and unnatural. I'm right-handed. I wonder if "lefties" prefer to
>  make right hand turns? Any out there to comment?

I'm ambidextrous in this way. I write left-handed, I throw right-handed, and 
can bat lefty or righty. I wonder if it's which hand you throw with that 
might determine the preference for turning? There's just something natural 
feeling about having the plane come over your right shoulder if you throw 
right handed. Something about the feeling that you could bring it around and 
catch it in your left hand. What do the left handed throwers say?

Bill Wingstedt
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