Thank you all for the suggestions but nope on the issues  suggested. These 
are standard mylars (ACS 40 mil), triple waxed. Standard  wet-out and layup, 
etc. No wrinkles in the mylars, cloth bunching, etc. There's  nothing unusual 
about the setup. I've looked over Phil's video several times to  see what I'm 
missing but it's the same setup and generally the same  technique.

It really looks like it's small pockets of trapped volatiles  that can't get 
out from under the upper mylar after the epoxy has started to  kick. Has 
anyone had problems with volatiles in the wax? Since I only do this  for myself,  
the mylars are usually used shortly after being waxed. The  exception being 
when they're painted and then they are bagged after letting the  paint dry for 24 
hrs. Cores go in perfectly smooth but the upper surface comes  out with a few 
of these little tracks/indentations in them.

Thanks for  the suggestions. The occurrence is somewhat random. I'll keep 
trying things to  see what's up.
- Dave R
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