As usual, Gordy, you come thru with more Gordy style enlightenment!  Organic, hybrid, whatever, I kind of think generally when someone talks about a molded plane they are usually referring to a fully molded plane and I suspect you already knew that.  But at any rate thanks for the relevant, eye opening enlightenment Gordy, especially the part about finding, using lift, etc.  I now see the soaring world in a whole new light.  GORDY IS GOD!  I"ve been flying pretty much the same plane for the past two years, but I guess it is a sin to look at some new/different designs, lest one should become a dreaded "plane changer".  You are right , oh highest one, I must learn to find lift, work it, come home to the spot, then may I be worthy of searching for the "silver bullet!" 
-----Original Message-----
Date: Thursday, October 28, 2004 3:25 PM
Subject: [RCSE] Molded Plane Question, answer

wondering if any maunfacturer has made any plans to produce molded plane utilizing Drela airfoils?
In fact there are a bunch (out for quite awhile) right now.  AVA and its clones use the Drela foils.  These are molded planes, from the spar forward...'organic' construction (organic is the term coined by Vladimir Models for sailplanes comprised of composites, wood and polycovering material).  They work so well that you'd better get your order in for one now in order to get one before the coming season.
As you probably have found out, unless under the thumbs of someone who can find lift, work it, and come home to the spot, airfoils don't provide any value beyond conversation.
Blairsville, GA tonite

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