The bad thing about high starts is that once the plane leaves your hand you really can't do a whole lot to help a problem.
My favorite, altough disasterous story, happened to Bill Malvey. We went to the Fresno field to practice for Visalia. He has a high start that is more of a zip start. The thing looks like 5/8th inch garden hose. You must be at least 200 pounds to get any stretch off the thing. You might be able to get 50 feet stretch. I am thoroughly convinced this thing could move a 172 to near airspeed.
Anyway, Bill stretched it back with his beautiful molded Psyko attached. Upon release the plane arched over and hit the ground about 10' away. Unfortunately the high start is not going stop for another 40', and it didn't dragging and further damaging the Psyko.
Funny now but certainly not at the time!!!!
Darwin N. Barrie
Chandler AZ

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