On Mon, 25 Jun 2012 15:13:01 +0100 Neil Morgenstern 
<neil.morgenstern.2...@gmail.com> wrote:

NM> Definitely not, out parameters are part of the parameter set, not part of
NM> the result set.

 Sorry, "definitely not" what?

NM> When we implemented using SOCI for ODBC for stored procedures (which was
NM> supposed to be not supported) we did not find any support for output
NM> parameters and we handled these with ODBC "direct". In our library we used
NM> vector<char> as the type for receiving strings.

 You shouldn't have been able to make this work with use() parameters
without modifying the SOCI sources. They currently unconditionally use
SQL_PARAM_INPUT for binding and only SQL_PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT parameters can
be modified by ODBC.

NM> The ideal way would be use() variations that take (non-const) pointers.

 IMHO this is not ideal at all. When you have a local (hence non-const)
variable that you're writing to the database you absolutely don't expect it
to be modified in the process of being saved.

 Ideal would be to clearly distinguish between input and input/output
parameters and this would require a new syntax.


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