These are good questions.  I have inserted some 
brief comments below [comment]

Date:   Tue, 29 Jul 2003 14:42:44 -0000 
From:   "Bernard Daly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:   [LibDem_SocialCredit] What If?

If under social credit government makes up the 
shortfall in demand for home produced products by 
issuing money, then distributing this money in the 
form of a citizens income, will the citizens income 
vary according to the size of the shortfall?
[comment] The short answer is yes.  We should expect 
the "shortfall" to generally increase as a function 
of time with labor displacement.

Would this not create a good deal of economic 
[comment]  Just the opposite.

Furthermore, what if people spend this citizens inc 
not on home produced things but foreign goods because 
of monopolistic conditions in world markets, TV 
advertising etc.
[comment]  That is indeed a problem potentially.  At 
the very least the credits must have limited 
negotiability in terms of foreign content.  But there 
would remain the problem that the credits intended 
for spending on domestic production might free up the 
already existing purchasing power for increased 
spending on imports or investment overseas, which 
would negate the intent of the social credits.  In 
the absence of import and capital controls the 
continuing disbursement of significant volumes of 
credit could quickly lead to "balance of payments" 
issues and accelerating inflation in consequence.

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