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DATE: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 18:58 +0
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ken Palmerton)

Dear Bill.

Greetings. Forgive me, but your name is new to me. But you have asked me to 
comment, which I would like to on this and subsequent posts I have received from 

As an individual trying to make some sort of sense from our crazy world I came 
eventually  to study the "dismal science" at an age when most were starting to 
look forward to their pensions.

I come originally from Jersey in the channel Islands, which with my family we fled 
the war time occupation by the fascists. It was never clear to me why it was so 
difficult to return. I too accepted the reason to be that it was a tax haven, and all 
the rich wished to live there.

A simplistic reason certainly. And false. But it was some time later that i learned 
more of its differences to the mainland, rooted in its history. Which turn out to be 
concerned with its method of creating its own money supply. Low taxation being a 

My involvement with trades union activity as a student  nurse led me to the British 
Liberal party, which I have been a member of ever since. At that time Beverage 
was still around, and Keynes was not long dead, both influential Liberals, so their 
thinking was part of what was being passed on to the youngsters such as I.

You say that you are not aware of the association between Georgism and British 

At the beginning of the twentieth Century there was a sizable group of MPs within 
the party who described themselves as "Single Taxers". They argued that the 
only taxation necessary to discharge the functions of the State could be levied 
from the taxation upon land alone. They were Georgists. 

In fact the election of 1906, which was a Liberal land slide victory, was fought 
largely upon the slogan "The land belongs to the people", the title of a song, sung  
to the tune "marching through Georgia" still sung lustily at our annual assemblies 
to this day.

Unfortunately much of the detail, and even understanding of what it all means is 
now lost to most party members, with the last detailed policy issue being removed 
from the preamble to our constitution in the 1980s upon our merger into a new 
party with the Social Democrats. That policy was concerning the taxation of site 

Much more to say, but I think I would like to ask you about the Alaska situation, 
which from your subsequent posts I understand you are very familiar with.

I gave some time to study this at the time of its inauguration, but getting accurate 
information at the time proved difficult, so I do not know the whole story, and I 
would now very much like to.

Please keep in touch.


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